Air Freshener Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
20% off
MyScent Air Freshener - 320ml
110 - 22 (20% off) = 88
74.58 + 13.42 (18%) = 88
5% off
Aer Spray ‐ 220ml
99 - 5 (5% off) = 94
79.66 + 14.34 (18%) = 94
25% off
Odonil Air Freshener - 240
169 - 42 (25% off) = 127
107.63 + 19.37 (18%) = 127
20% off
Premium Room Freshener ‐ 125g
150 - 30 (20% off) = 120
101.69 + 18.31 (18%) = 120
5% off
Aermatic Refill ‐ 225ml
325 - 16 (5% off) = 309
261.86 + 47.14 (18%) = 309
5% off
Godrej Aer Matic Kit
625 - 31 (5% off) = 594
503.39 + 90.61 (18%) = 594
20% off
Air Neutralizer Refill - 300ml
300 - 60 (20% off) = 240
203.39 + 36.61 (18%) = 240
20% off
Automatic Aerosol Dispenser LCD
1600 - 320 (20% off) = 1280
1084.75 + 195.25 (18%) = 1280
20% off
Mystair Aerosol Refill - 100ml
450 - 90 (20% off) = 360
305.08 + 54.92 (18%) = 360
20% off
Mystair Mini LCD Aerosol Dispenser
1800 - 360 (20% off) = 1440
1220.34 + 219.66 (18%) = 1440
40% off
Ramsons Air Freshener - 250ml
165 - 66 (40% off) = 99
83.90 + 15.10 (18%) = 99
25% off
EzyKlin K5 ‐ Air Freshener ‐ 500ml
200 - 50 (25% off) = 150
127.12 + 22.88 (18%) = 150
25% off
EzyKlin K5 Pink ‐ 5 Ltr
1250 - 312 (25% off) = 938
794.92 + 143.08 (18%) = 938
25% off
EzyKlin K5 Lemon - 5 Ltr
1333 - 333 (25% off) = 1000
847.46 + 152.54 (18%) = 1000
15% off
S5 Room Freshener - 5 Ltr
966 - 145 (15% off) = 821
695.76 + 125.24 (18%) = 821
20% off
Olklin Aura Fresh ‐ 5 Ltr
1250 - 250 (20% off) = 1000
847.46 + 152.54 (18%) = 1000
10% off
TASKI R5 ‐ 5 Ltr
1548 - 155 (10% off) = 1393
1180.51 + 212.49 (18%) = 1393
20% off
Air Purifier Perfume Dispenser
1250 - 250 (20% off) = 1000
847.46 + 152.54 (18%) = 1000
20% off
Aroma Diffuser Oil KP Care- 1 Ltr
2250 - 450 (20% off) = 1800
1525.42 + 274.58 (18%) = 1800
20% off
Aroma Diffuser Oil SB Aroma - 1 Ltr
4000 - 800 (20% off) = 3200
2711.86 + 488.14 (18%) = 3200
Bathroom Cleaner Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
5% off
Harpic Bathroom Cleaner-500Ml
115 - 6 (5% off) = 109
92.37 + 16.63 (18%) = 109
10% off
Harpic Bathroom Cleaner - 5 Ltr
999 - 100 (10% off) = 899
761.86 + 137.14 (18%) = 899
25% off
Crew Bathroom Cleaner - 1 Ltr
209 - 52 (25% off) = 157
133.05 + 23.95 (18%) = 157
25% off
Crew Bathroom Cleaner - 5 Ltr
1575 - 394 (25% off) = 1181
1000.85 + 180.15 (18%) = 1181
25% off
EzyKlin K9 ‐ Washroom Cl.. 500ml
200 - 50 (25% off) = 150
127.12 + 22.88 (18%) = 150
25% off
EzyKlin K9 ‐ 5 Ltr
1335 - 335 (25% off) = 1000
847.46 + 152.54 (18%) = 1000
10% off
TASKI R9 Bathroom Cleaner ‐ 5 Ltr
1522 - 152 (10% off) = 1370
1161.02 + 208.98 (18%) = 1370
20% off
S10 Super Lime Away - 5 Ltr
1000 - 200 (20% off) = 800
677.97 + 122.03 (18%) = 800
20% off
Hypo/Bleaching Liquid - 5 Ltr
225 - 45 (20% off) = 180
152.54 + 27.46 (18%) = 180
25% off
Ezyklin K1 ‐ Bathroom Clnr ‐5 Ltr
1500 - 375 (25% off) = 1125
953.39 + 171.61 (18%) = 1125
10% off
TASKI R1 Super - 5 Ltr
1819 - 182 (10% off) = 1637
1387.29 + 249.71 (18%) = 1637
15% off
Schevaran S1 - 5 Ltr
840 - 126 (15% off) = 714
605.08 + 108.92 (18%) = 714
20% off
Mystair GlowPro - 500ml
400 - 80 (20% off) = 320
271.19 + 48.81 (18%) = 320
25% off
Crew Multi Surface Cleaner - 500 ml
545 - 136 (25% off) = 409
346.61 + 62.39 (18%) = 409
10% off
Emerel Plus ‐ 500ml
634 - 64 (10% off) = 570
483.05 + 86.95 (18%) = 570
15% off
S31 Sacle Off - 1 Kg
500 - 75 (15% off) = 425
360.17 + 64.83 (18%) = 425
20% off
Drain Cleaner - Dragon 50g
20 - 4 (20% off) = 16
13.56 + 2.44 (18%) = 16
20% off
Caustic Soda ‐ 1 Kg
180 - 36 (20% off) = 144
122.03 + 21.97 (18%) = 144
20% off
Bleaching Powder - 1 Kg
100 - 20 (20% off) = 80
67.80 + 12.20 (18%) = 80
20% off
Black Phenyl - 5 Ltr
325 - 65 (20% off) = 260
220.34 + 39.66 (18%) = 260
Brooms & Wiper Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
20% off
Glass Wiper Small
60 - 12 (20% off) = 48
40.68 + 7.32 (18%) = 48
20% off
Kitchen Wiper ‐ Regular
40 - 8 (20% off) = 32
27.12 + 4.88 (18%) = 32
20% off
Plastic Floor Wiper 16"
200 - 40 (20% off) = 160
135.59 + 24.41 (18%) = 160
20% off
Plastic Floor Wiper 24"
220 - 44 (20% off) = 176
149.15 + 26.85 (18%) = 176
20% off
Industrial Floor Wiper 24" Heavy
300 - 60 (20% off) = 240
203.39 + 36.61 (18%) = 240
20% off
Floor Squeegee White - 55cm
500 - 100 (20% off) = 400
338.98 + 61.02 (18%) = 400
30% off
Hard Broom - Regular
40 - 12 (30% off) = 28
28 + 0 (0%) = 28
20% off
Plastic Hard Broom
75 - 15 (20% off) = 60
50.85 + 9.15 (18%) = 60
30% off
Soft Broom Long ‐ 300grm
100 - 30 (30% off) = 70
70 + 0 (0%) = 70
30% off
Hard Broom - Muttha 300grm
60 - 18 (30% off) = 42
42 + 0 (0%) = 42
20% off
Cealing Broom with 5Ft Pipe
125 - 25 (20% off) = 100
84.75 + 15.25 (18%) = 100
10% off
Gala No Dust Broom
220 - 22 (10% off) = 198
188.57 + 9.43 (5%) = 198
20% off
Road Brush Nylon 24"
350 - 70 (20% off) = 280
237.29 + 42.71 (18%) = 280
20% off
Tall Brush
180 - 36 (20% off) = 144
122.03 + 21.97 (18%) = 144
20% off
Scrubbing Brush 12"
200 - 40 (20% off) = 160
135.59 + 24.41 (18%) = 160
20% off
Cobweb Brush
400 - 80 (20% off) = 320
271.19 + 48.81 (18%) = 320
30% off
Municipal Broom
100 - 30 (30% off) = 70
70 + 0 (0%) = 70
20% off
Feather Broom ‐ Heavy
150 - 30 (20% off) = 120
101.69 + 18.31 (18%) = 120
20% off
Carpet Brush ‐ Hard / Soft
100 - 20 (20% off) = 80
67.80 + 12.20 (18%) = 80
24% off
Bamboo Stick
50 - 12 (24% off) = 38
33.93 + 4.07 (12%) = 38
Bucekt and Dustbin Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
20% off
Plastic Mug
25 - 5 (20% off) = 20
16.95 + 3.05 (18%) = 20
20% off
Plastic Bucket - 7 Ltr
100 - 20 (20% off) = 80
67.80 + 12.20 (18%) = 80
20% off
Plastic Bucket - 9 Ltr
125 - 25 (20% off) = 100
84.75 + 15.25 (18%) = 100
20% off
Plastic Bucket - 13 Ltr
180 - 36 (20% off) = 144
122.03 + 21.97 (18%) = 144
20% off
Plastic Bucket - 16 Ltr
225 - 45 (20% off) = 180
152.54 + 27.46 (18%) = 180
20% off
Plastic Bucket - 20 Ltr
250 - 50 (20% off) = 200
169.49 + 30.51 (18%) = 200
20% off
Paddle Dustbin - 12 Ltr
300 - 60 (20% off) = 240
203.39 + 36.61 (18%) = 240
20% off
Office Dustbin ‐ Regular
65 - 13 (20% off) = 52
44.07 + 7.93 (18%) = 52
20% off
SS Plain Pedal Bins 10 x 14 / 11 Ltr
1500 - 300 (20% off) = 1200
1071.43 + 128.57 (12%) = 1200
25% off
SS Bin Perforated / Plaion 8 x 12
600 - 150 (25% off) = 450
401.79 + 48.21 (12%) = 450
20% off
Plastic Drum - 30 Ltr
600 - 120 (20% off) = 480
406.78 + 73.22 (18%) = 480
20% off
Paddle Dustbin - 32Ltr
1000 - 200 (20% off) = 800
677.97 + 122.03 (18%) = 800
20% off
Prince Swing Bin - 30 Ltr
650 - 130 (20% off) = 520
440.68 + 79.32 (18%) = 520
20% off
Prince Swing Bin - 65 Ltr
1100 - 220 (20% off) = 880
745.76 + 134.24 (18%) = 880
20% off
Two Wheeled Dustbin - 120 Ltr
3500 - 700 (20% off) = 2800
2372.88 + 427.12 (18%) = 2800
20% off
Two Wheeled Dustbin - 240 Ltr
5000 - 1000 (20% off) = 4000
3389.83 + 610.17 (18%) = 4000
China Mop Tools Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
20% off
Window Washer 35cm
300 - 60 (20% off) = 240
203.39 + 36.61 (18%) = 240
20% off
SS Window Squeegee 35cm
330 - 66 (20% off) = 264
223.73 + 40.27 (18%) = 264
20% off
Yello Combi Glass Cleaner 35cm
400 - 80 (20% off) = 320
271.19 + 48.81 (18%) = 320
20% off
Telescopic Pole - 6 Mtr
2000 - 400 (20% off) = 1600
1355.93 + 244.07 (18%) = 1600
20% off
Telescopic Pole ‐ 9 Mtr
3000 - 600 (20% off) = 2400
2033.90 + 366.10 (18%) = 2400
20% off
High Speed Hand Dryer - Dynamo
13000 - 2600 (20% off) = 10400
8813.56 + 1586.44 (18%) = 10400
20% off
ABS Hand Dryer
4000 - 800 (20% off) = 3200
2711.86 + 488.14 (18%) = 3200
20% off
ABS Body Hand Dryer - ED08
10000 - 2000 (20% off) = 8000
6779.66 + 1220.34 (18%) = 8000
20% off
Kitchen Roll Dispenser
3000 - 600 (20% off) = 2400
2033.90 + 366.10 (18%) = 2400
20% off
Wringer Trolley 20 Ltr (Heavy Duty)
1500 - 300 (20% off) = 1200
1016.95 + 183.05 (18%) = 1200
20% off
Wringer Trolley ‐ 40 Ltr
4500 - 900 (20% off) = 3600
3050.85 + 549.15 (18%) = 3600
20% off
Yellow Warning and Safety Signs
300 - 60 (20% off) = 240
203.39 + 36.61 (18%) = 240
20% off
Lobby Dustpan
750 - 150 (20% off) = 600
508.47 + 91.53 (18%) = 600
20% off
Caddy Basket
250 - 50 (20% off) = 200
169.49 + 30.51 (18%) = 200
20% off
Mop Tool Holder
800 - 160 (20% off) = 640
542.37 + 97.63 (18%) = 640
20% off
Replacement Rubber 35/45cm
75 - 15 (20% off) = 60
50.85 + 9.15 (18%) = 60
Detergent & Soap Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
5% off
Wheel Soap 125g
7 - 0.35 (5% off) = 6.65
5.64 + 1.01 (18%) = 6.65
5% off
Wheel Detergent Powder ‐ 500g
36 - 1.80 (5% off) = 34.20
28.98 + 5.22 (18%) = 34.20
5% off
Nirma Detergent Cake 125g
5 - 0.25 (5% off) = 4.75
4.03 + 0.72 (18%) = 4.75
5% off
Nirma Detergent Powder ‐ 500g
34 - 1.70 (5% off) = 32.30
27.37 + 4.93 (18%) = 32.30
5% off
Aaj Kal Dish Wash Bar 250g
10 - 0.50 (5% off) = 9.50
8.05 + 1.45 (18%) = 9.50
5% off
Exo Bar 200 x 3
66 - 3 (5% off) = 63
53.39 + 9.61 (18%) = 63
5% off
Exo AntiBac Dishwash ‐ 500g
60 - 3 (5% off) = 57
48.31 + 8.69 (18%) = 57
5% off
Vim Dishwash Liquid-500ml
125 - 6.25 (5% off) = 118.75
100.64 + 18.11 (18%) = 118.75
5% off
Pril Advance ‐ 425ml
116 - 5.80 (5% off) = 110.20
93.39 + 16.81 (18%) = 110.20
25% off
Sumabrite Dishwash Gel - 500 ml
125 - 31 (25% off) = 94
79.66 + 14.34 (18%) = 94
5% off
Pril Advance - 2 Ltr
499 - 25 (5% off) = 474
401.69 + 72.31 (18%) = 474
10% off
Pitambari Powder - 200grm
50 - 5 (10% off) = 45
38.14 + 6.86 (18%) = 45
20% off
Dish Wash Liquid - 5 Ltr
250 - 50 (20% off) = 200
169.49 + 30.51 (18%) = 200
5% off
Lifebuoy Soap 125g
35 - 1.75 (5% off) = 33.25
28.18 + 5.07 (18%) = 33.25
5% off
Surf Excel Easy Wash ‐ 1 Kg
150 - 7.50 (5% off) = 142.50
120.76 + 21.74 (18%) = 142.50
5% off
Tide Powder ‐ 500Grm
70 - 3.50 (5% off) = 66.50
56.36 + 10.14 (18%) = 66.50
Disposable & Garbage Bag Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
20% off
Paper Cup 100ml ‐ 50 Nos
35 - 7 (20% off) = 28
23.73 + 4.27 (18%) = 28
20% off
Paper Cup 150ml ‐ 50 Nos
50 - 10 (20% off) = 40
33.90 + 6.10 (18%) = 40
20% off
Paper Cup 200ml ‐ 50 Nos
60 - 12 (20% off) = 48
40.68 + 7.32 (18%) = 48
20% off
Disposable Paper Plat 7" ‐ 50 Nos
50 - 10 (20% off) = 40
33.90 + 6.10 (18%) = 40
20% off
Paper Plat 8" - 50 Nos
60 - 12 (20% off) = 48
40.68 + 7.32 (18%) = 48
20% off
Paper Plat 9" - 30 Nos
50 - 10 (20% off) = 40
33.90 + 6.10 (18%) = 40
20% off
Garbage Roll (17" x 19") 30 Bag
40 - 8 (20% off) = 32
27.12 + 4.88 (18%) = 32
20% off
Garbage Roll (19" x 21") 30 Bag
50 - 10 (20% off) = 40
33.90 + 6.10 (18%) = 40
20% off
Garbage Roll (29" x 39") 10 Bag
70 - 14 (20% off) = 56
47.46 + 8.54 (18%) = 56
20% off
Garbage Roll (25" x 30") 15 Bag
60 - 12 (20% off) = 48
40.68 + 7.32 (18%) = 48
20% off
Garbege Roll (30" x 50") 10 Bag
100 - 20 (20% off) = 80
67.80 + 12.20 (18%) = 80
20% off
Garbage Roll (40" x 50") 10 Bag
130 - 26 (20% off) = 104
88.14 + 15.86 (18%) = 104
20% off
Pick Up Bag 17 x 23 (50 Bag)
200 - 40 (20% off) = 160
135.59 + 24.41 (18%) = 160
20% off
Garbage Bag ‐ 1 Kg (Recycle)
150 - 30 (20% off) = 120
101.69 + 18.31 (18%) = 120
20% off
Garbage Bag 29 x 38 - 1 Kg (Virgin)
300 - 60 (20% off) = 240
203.39 + 36.61 (18%) = 240
20% off
Disposable Plastic Gloves - 100 Pcs
75 - 15 (20% off) = 60
50.85 + 9.15 (18%) = 60
20% off
Disposable Plastic Gloves - 200 Pcs
125 - 25 (20% off) = 100
84.75 + 15.25 (18%) = 100
Doormat Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
30% off
Cotton Doormat 1.5 x 2.5 SqFt
250 - 75 (30% off) = 175
166.67 + 8.33 (5%) = 175
20% off
Welcome Doormat - (2 x 3)
500 - 100 (20% off) = 400
338.98 + 61.02 (18%) = 400
20% off
Cotton Doormat 2 x 3 SqFt
350 - 70 (20% off) = 280
266.67 + 13.33 (5%) = 280
20% off
Coir Kathi Doormat / SqFt
175 - 35 (20% off) = 140
118.64 + 21.36 (18%) = 140
20% off
Durowipe-Primium Doormat
175 - 35 (20% off) = 140
118.64 + 21.36 (18%) = 140
20% off
DuroSoft Premium Doormat / SqFt
175 - 35 (20% off) = 140
118.64 + 21.36 (18%) = 140
20% off
DuroTurf Premium Doormat
225 - 45 (20% off) = 180
152.54 + 27.46 (18%) = 180
20% off
Holomat - 20 x 40 (1.6 x 3.3 Ft)
550 - 110 (20% off) = 440
372.88 + 67.12 (18%) = 440
20% off
Holomat - 30 x 48 (2.5 x 4 Ft)
1500 - 300 (20% off) = 1200
1016.95 + 183.05 (18%) = 1200
20% off
Holomat - 40 x 60 (3.25 x 5 Ft)
2250 - 450 (20% off) = 1800
1525.42 + 274.58 (18%) = 1800
Duster & Scrubber Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
33% off
Chex Duster Small
15 - 5 (33% off) = 10
9.52 + 0.48 (5%) = 10
32% off
Chex Duster 16" x 24"
19 - 6 (32% off) = 13
12.38 + 0.62 (5%) = 13
29% off
Yellow Duster 18" x 24"
28 - 8 (29% off) = 20
19.05 + 0.95 (5%) = 20
33% off
Floor Duster Big
30 - 10 (33% off) = 20
19.05 + 0.95 (5%) = 20
30% off
Glass Cloth
33 - 10 (30% off) = 23
21.90 + 1.10 (5%) = 23
30% off
60 - 18 (30% off) = 42
40 + 2 (5%) = 42
30% off
Microfiber Cloth
70 - 21 (30% off) = 49
46.67 + 2.33 (5%) = 49
20% off
Microfiber Cloth Big
90 - 18 (20% off) = 72
68.57 + 3.43 (5%) = 72
20% off
Car Duster
300 - 60 (20% off) = 240
203.39 + 36.61 (18%) = 240
30% off
Cotton Waste - 1 Kg
100 - 30 (30% off) = 70
66.67 + 3.33 (5%) = 70
20% off
Plastic Scrubber 12 Nos ‐ Medium
55 - 11 (20% off) = 44
37.29 + 6.71 (18%) = 44
20% off
Steel Scrubber - Medium
25 - 5 (20% off) = 20
16.95 + 3.05 (18%) = 20
20% off
Sponge - Regular
20 - 4 (20% off) = 16
13.56 + 2.44 (18%) = 16
10% off
Scotch Brite Scrub Sponge (2 N)
80 - 8 (10% off) = 72
61.02 + 10.98 (18%) = 72
10% off
Scotch Brite Sponge Wipe 4pcs
180 - 18 (10% off) = 162
137.29 + 24.71 (18%) = 162
20% off
Scrubpad with Handle
65 - 13 (20% off) = 52
44.07 + 7.93 (18%) = 52
10% off
Scotch Brite ‐ 4 Nos (Size : 3" x 4")
80 - 8 (10% off) = 72
61.02 + 10.98 (18%) = 72
10% off
Scotch Brite ‐ 4 Nos (Size : 4" x 6")
160 - 16 (10% off) = 144
122.03 + 21.97 (18%) = 144
10% off
Scotch Brite ‐ HD (3" x 4")
51 - 5 (10% off) = 46
38.98 + 7.02 (18%) = 46
20% off
3M Scrubber Machine Pad Size: 17"
650 - 130 (20% off) = 520
440.68 + 79.32 (18%) = 520
Floor Cleaner Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
5% off
Lizol Floor Cleaner ‐ 500ml
123 - 6 (5% off) = 117
99.15 + 17.85 (18%) = 117
10% off
Lizol Shakti - 900ml
135 - 13 (10% off) = 122
103.39 + 18.61 (18%) = 122
5% off
Lizol Floor Cleaner ‐ 2 Ltr
440 - 22 (5% off) = 418
354.24 + 63.76 (18%) = 418
10% off
Lizol Floor Cleaner ‐ 5 Ltr
1029 - 103 (10% off) = 926
784.75 + 141.25 (18%) = 926
20% off
Crew Floor Cleaner - 500ml
115 - 23 (20% off) = 92
77.97 + 14.03 (18%) = 92
20% off
Crew Floor Cleaner - 1 Ltr
221 - 44 (20% off) = 177
150 + 27 (18%) = 177
25% off
Crew Hygienic Floor Clnr - 5 Ltr
1134 - 284 (25% off) = 850
720.34 + 129.66 (18%) = 850
10% off
789 - 79 (10% off) = 710
601.69 + 108.31 (18%) = 710
20% off
White Phenyle ‐ 5 Ltr
150 - 30 (20% off) = 120
101.69 + 18.31 (18%) = 120
20% off
Olklin Supreme 200 ml
116 - 23 (20% off) = 93
78.81 + 14.19 (18%) = 93
20% off
Green Floor Cleaner - 200ml
50 - 10 (20% off) = 40
33.90 + 6.10 (18%) = 40
20% off
Pine Power (Conc**) ‐ 1 Ltr
400 - 80 (20% off) = 320
271.19 + 48.81 (18%) = 320
10% off
TASKI R2 ‐ 5 Ltr
1577 - 158 (10% off) = 1419
1202.54 + 216.46 (18%) = 1419
25% off
EzyKlin K2 ‐ 5 Ltr
1300 - 325 (25% off) = 975
826.27 + 148.73 (18%) = 975
15% off
S2 All Klean - 5 Ltr
709 - 106 (15% off) = 603
511.02 + 91.98 (18%) = 603
10% off
XXX Super Floor Wash ‐ 5 Ltr
695 - 70 (10% off) = 625
529.66 + 95.34 (18%) = 625
10% off
TASKI R7 ‐ Floor Cleaner ‐ 5 Ltr
835 - 83 (10% off) = 752
637.29 + 114.71 (18%) = 752
25% off
EzyKlin K7 ‐ Floor Cleaner ‐ 5 Ltr
700 - 175 (25% off) = 525
444.92 + 80.08 (18%) = 525
6% off
Walker Extra Strong ‐ 400ml
72 - 4 (6% off) = 68
57.63 + 10.37 (18%) = 68
5% off
Walker Extra Strong ‐ 4.5 Ltr
580 - 29 (5% off) = 551
466.95 + 84.05 (18%) = 551
Glass Cleaner Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
25% off
Crew APC Ready to use - 500 ml
108 - 27 (25% off) = 81
68.64 + 12.36 (18%) = 81
5% off
Colin 500ml - Glass Cleaner
115 - 6 (5% off) = 109
92.37 + 16.63 (18%) = 109
20% off
Glass Cleaner - 5 Ltr
300 - 60 (20% off) = 240
203.39 + 36.61 (18%) = 240
15% off
S3 Window Shine - 5 Ltr
620 - 93 (15% off) = 527
446.61 + 80.39 (18%) = 527
25% off
Crew Glass Cleaner - 5 Ltr
1998 - 500 (25% off) = 1498
1269.49 + 228.51 (18%) = 1498
10% off
TASKI R3 ‐ 5 Ltr
2136 - 213 (10% off) = 1923
1629.66 + 293.34 (18%) = 1923
25% off
EzyKlin K3 ‐ Glass Cleaner Conc ‐ 5 Ltr
1700 - 425 (25% off) = 1275
1080.51 + 194.49 (18%) = 1275
20% off
Glass Cleaning Kit
2500 - 500 (20% off) = 2000
1694.92 + 305.08 (18%) = 2000
Hand Wash Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
4% off
Dettol Handwash - 175ml
50 - 2 (4% off) = 48
40.68 + 7.32 (18%) = 48
5% off
Dettol HandWash Pump ‐ 200ml
79 - 4 (5% off) = 75
63.56 + 11.44 (18%) = 75
5% off
Dettol Handwash - 875ml
149 - 7 (5% off) = 142
120.34 + 21.66 (18%) = 142
10% off
Dettol Hand Wash ‐ 5 Ltr
840 - 84 (10% off) = 756
640.68 + 115.32 (18%) = 756
25% off
SoftCare Handwash - 750 ml
110 - 27 (25% off) = 83
70.34 + 12.66 (18%) = 83
25% off
Softcare Max HW - 5 Ltr
650 - 162 (25% off) = 488
413.56 + 74.44 (18%) = 488
25% off
SoftCare Blossom HW - 5 Ltr
850 - 213 (25% off) = 637
539.83 + 97.17 (18%) = 637
25% off
SoftCare Sandalwood HW - 5 Ltr
925 - 231 (25% off) = 694
588.14 + 105.86 (18%) = 694
25% off
SoftCare Antibacterial HW - 5 Ltr
925 - 231 (25% off) = 694
588.14 + 105.86 (18%) = 694
10% off
Rozalex Industrial - 5 Ltr
740 - 74 (10% off) = 666
564.41 + 101.59 (18%) = 666
10% off
SoftCare Enhance - 5 Ltr
943 - 94 (10% off) = 849
719.49 + 129.51 (18%) = 849
10% off
SoftCare Star - 5 Ltr
1239 - 124 (10% off) = 1115
944.92 + 170.08 (18%) = 1115
10% off
SoftCare Plus - 5 Ltr
1992 - 199 (10% off) = 1793
1519.49 + 273.51 (18%) = 1793
20% off
Mystair Liq Soap Rose - 5 Ltr
500 - 100 (20% off) = 400
338.98 + 61.02 (18%) = 400
15% off
Schevaran S11 - 5 Ltr
819 - 123 (15% off) = 696
589.83 + 106.17 (18%) = 696
25% off
EzyKlin H1 ‐ Hand Wash ‐ 5 Ltr
750 - 188 (25% off) = 562
476.27 + 85.73 (18%) = 562
10% off
Dabur Fem Soft Handz Soap - 5 Ltr
950 - 95 (10% off) = 855
724.58 + 130.42 (18%) = 855
20% off
Plastic Soap Dispenser - 500ml
850 - 170 (20% off) = 680
576.27 + 103.73 (18%) = 680
20% off
Plastic Soap Dispenser - 1 Ltr
1275 - 255 (20% off) = 1020
864.41 + 155.59 (18%) = 1020
10% off
SoftCare 2 in 1 - 5 Ltr
1877 - 188 (10% off) = 1689
1431.36 + 257.64 (18%) = 1689
INSECT KILLER Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
5% off
All Out Liquid Refill
80 - 4 (5% off) = 76
64.41 + 11.59 (18%) = 76
5% off
All Out Combi Set
100 - 5 (5% off) = 95
80.51 + 14.49 (18%) = 95
5% off
Good Knight Refill
80 - 4 (5% off) = 76
64.41 + 11.59 (18%) = 76
5% off
Good Knight Combi Set
100 - 5 (5% off) = 95
80.51 + 14.49 (18%) = 95
5% off
HIT Spray Malaria Killer - 200ml
115 - 6 (5% off) = 109
92.37 + 16.63 (18%) = 109
5% off
HIT Spray Malaria Killer ‐ 400ml
225 - 11 (5% off) = 214
181.36 + 32.64 (18%) = 214
20% off
Mouse Glue ‐ Kill Rat & Mouse
50 - 10 (20% off) = 40
33.90 + 6.10 (18%) = 40
20% off
Rat Killer Cake - 25g
20 - 4 (20% off) = 16
13.56 + 2.44 (18%) = 16
20% off
Luxman Rekha Chok
20 - 4 (20% off) = 16
13.56 + 2.44 (18%) = 16
5% off
HIT Anti Roach Gel - 20g
199 - 10 (5% off) = 189
160.17 + 28.83 (18%) = 189
20% off
DDT Powder-25kg
900 - 180 (20% off) = 720
610.17 + 109.83 (18%) = 720
Kitchen Cleaner Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
25% off
Sumabrite Grill & Oven Clnr - 750ml
330 - 83 (25% off) = 247
209.32 + 37.68 (18%) = 247
25% off
Sumabrite Dishwash Liquid - 5 Ltr
975 - 244 (25% off) = 731
619.49 + 111.51 (18%) = 731
25% off
Sumabrite All Rounder - 5 Ltr
1073 - 268 (25% off) = 805
682.20 + 122.80 (18%) = 805
10% off
Suma Grill D9 - 5 Ltr
2295 - 229 (10% off) = 2066
1750.85 + 315.15 (18%) = 2066
10% off
Suma Bac D10 - 5 Ltr
1476 - 148 (10% off) = 1328
1125.42 + 202.58 (18%) = 1328
10% off
Suma Multi - 5 Ltr
846 - 85 (10% off) = 761
644.92 + 116.08 (18%) = 761
10% off
Suma Inox D 7.1 - 5 Ltr
2774 - 277 (10% off) = 2497
2116.10 + 380.90 (18%) = 2497
10% off
Suma Det D1.2 Y - 5 Ltr
1083 - 109 (10% off) = 974
825.42 + 148.58 (18%) = 974
10% off
Suma Extra D2.2 - 5 Ltr
744 - 74 (10% off) = 670
567.80 + 102.20 (18%) = 670
10% off
Suma Scale D5.2 - 5 Ltr
2077 - 207 (10% off) = 1870
1584.75 + 285.25 (18%) = 1870
10% off
Suma Drain - 5 Ltr
1299 - 130 (10% off) = 1169
990.68 + 178.32 (18%) = 1169
10% off
Suma Dip K1 - 5 Ltr
1784 - 179 (10% off) = 1605
1360.17 + 244.83 (18%) = 1605
10% off
Suma Dime 60 Tab X 20Grm
10243 - 1024 (10% off) = 9219
7812.71 + 1406.29 (18%) = 9219
10% off
Suma Break Up D 3.5 - 5 Ltr
1281 - 128 (10% off) = 1153
977.12 + 175.88 (18%) = 1153
10% off
Suma Tab D4 - 100 Gms
354 - 36 (10% off) = 318
269.49 + 48.51 (18%) = 318
25% off
EzyKlin D1 ‐ Dish Wash ‐ 5 Ltr
800 - 200 (25% off) = 600
508.47 + 91.53 (18%) = 600
15% off
Schevaran K1 - 5 Ltr
840 - 126 (15% off) = 714
605.08 + 108.92 (18%) = 714
15% off
Schevaran K6 - 5 Ltr
1454 - 218 (15% off) = 1236
1047.46 + 188.54 (18%) = 1236
25% off
Sumabrite Multipurpose - 25 Ltr
2544 - 636 (25% off) = 1908
1616.95 + 291.05 (18%) = 1908
Odour Neutraliser Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
20% off
Moto Cubes 300g / 15 Cubes
120 - 24 (20% off) = 96
81.36 + 14.64 (18%) = 96
9% off
Odonil Zipper 10g
65 - 6 (9% off) = 59
50 + 9 (18%) = 59
20% off
Dynafresh Pocket - 10g
50 - 10 (20% off) = 40
33.90 + 6.10 (18%) = 40
20% off
Dynafresh Cubes 400g / 15 Cubes
175 - 35 (20% off) = 140
118.64 + 21.36 (18) = 140
5% off
Harpic Flushmatic Double - 100grm
180 - 9 (5% off) = 171
144.92 + 26.08 (18%) = 171
5% off
Harpic Hygienic 26g
95 - 5 (5% off) = 90
76.27 + 13.73 (18%) = 90
20% off
Urinal Screen Round
80 - 16 (20% off) = 64
54.24 + 9.76 (18%) = 64
5% off
Aer Pocket ‐ 10 Gm
65 - 3 (5% off) = 62
52.54 + 9.46 (18%) = 62
20% off
Naphthalene Ball ‐ 500grm
170 - 34 (20% off) = 136
115.25 + 20.75 (18%) = 136
20% off
Sunny Odonil 50g
40 - 8 (20% off) = 32
27.12 + 4.88 (18%) = 32
20% off
Crew Urinal Screen
150 - 30 (20% off) = 120
101.69 + 18.31 (18%) = 120
20% off
Odonil Nature ‐ 50 Gm
59 - 12 (20% off) = 47
39.83 + 7.17 (18%) = 47
10% off
Taski Green Apple - 5 Ltr
1955 - 196 (10% off) = 1759
1490.68 + 268.32 (18%) = 1759
20% off
Sunny Cubes 260g / 20 Cubes
140 - 28 (20% off) = 112
94.92 + 17.08 (18%) = 112
10% off
Taski Urinal Screen - 1 Piece
525 - 53 (10% off) = 472
400 + 72 (18%) = 472
Other Cleaner Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
15% off
Schevaran S17 - 5 Ltr
851 - 128 (15% off) = 723
612.71 + 110.29 (18%) = 723
15% off
S4 Sun Gloh - 5 Ltr
1701 - 255 (15% off) = 1446
1225.42 + 220.58 (18%) = 1446
5% off
Brasso - 500ml
372 - 19 (5% off) = 353
299.15 + 53.85 (18%) = 353
20% off
Taski Metal Polish - 200ml
212 - 42 (20% off) = 170
144.07 + 25.93 (18%) = 170
25% off
Crew Furniture Cleaner - 5 Ltr
3106 - 776 (25% off) = 2330
1974.58 + 355.42 (18%) = 2330
10% off
Taski Jontec Lenio - 5 Ltr
9481 - 948 (10% off) = 8533
7231.36 + 1301.64 (18%) = 8533
20% off
Mystair Carpet Shampoo - 5 Ltr
1200 - 240 (20% off) = 960
813.56 + 146.44 (18%) = 960
5% off
Teepol B-300 Liquid Cleaner 10 Kg
1429 - 71 (5% off) = 1358
1150.85 + 207.15 (18%) = 1358
25% off
EzyKlin K4 ‐ Furniture Clnr ‐ 5 Ltr
2550 - 638 (25% off) = 1912
1620.34 + 291.66 (18%) = 1912
10% off
Taski Nobile Plus - 5 Kg
15256 - 1525 (10% off) = 13731
11636.44 + 2094.56 (18%) = 13731
10% off
TASKI TR103 ‐ 5 Ltr
2384 - 239 (10% off) = 2145
1817.80 + 327.20 (18%) = 2145
10% off
TASKI TR101- 5 Ltr
1982 - 198 (10% off) = 1784
1511.86 + 272.14 (18%) = 1784
10% off
Taski Jontec Terranova F9f - 5 Ltr
4275 - 428 (10% off) = 3847
3260.17 + 586.83 (18%) = 3847
10% off
TASKI R4 Shine Up ‐ 5 Ltr
3244 - 325 (10% off) = 2919
2473.73 + 445.27 (18%) = 2919
25% off
EzyKlin K8 ‐ 5 Ltr
1400 - 350 (25% off) = 1050
889.83 + 160.17 (18%) = 1050
15% off
Schevaran S9 - 5 Ltr
788 - 118 (15% off) = 670
567.80 + 102.20 (18%) = 670
5% off
MIN Multi Surface Cream - 100g
81 - 4 (5% off) = 77
65.25 + 11.75 (18%) = 77
10% off
TASKI Spiral HD - 5 Ltr
1640 - 164 (10% off) = 1476
1250.85 + 225.15 (18%) = 1476
Sanitizer / Disinfectant Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
10% off
Soft Care Des E Spary - 5Ltr
1079 - 108 (10% off) = 971
822.88 + 148.12 (18%) = 971
20% off
Soft Care Des E Spary - 500ml
183 - 36 (20% off) = 147
124.58 + 22.42 (18%) = 147
10% off
Virex II 256- 5 Ltr
6139 - 614 (10% off) = 5525
4682.20 + 842.80 (18%) = 5525
20% off
Debac Steriklin - 5 Ltr
900 - 180 (20% off) = 720
610.17 + 109.83 (18%) = 720
25% off
Crew Disinfectant Spray - 500ml
225 - 56 (25% off) = 169
143.22 + 25.78 (18%) = 169
20% off
SoftCare Hand Sanitizer - 500 ml
183 - 37 (20% off) = 146
123.73 + 22.27 (18%) = 146
20% off
Debac 4 - 5 Ltr
800 - 160 (20% off) = 640
542.37 + 97.63 (18%) = 640
5% off
Dettol Hand Sanitizer - 200ml
100 - 5 (5% off) = 95
80.51 + 14.49 (18%) = 95
5% off
Dettol Antiseptic Liquid ‐ 5 Ltr
2185 - 109 (5% off) = 2076
1853.57 + 222.43 (12%) = 2076
5% off
Savlon Antiseptic Liquid ‐ 1 Ltr
331 - 17 (5% off) = 314
280.36 + 33.64 (12%) = 314
TISSUE PRODUCTS Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
20% off
M Fold Premium Napkin - 150 Sheet
100 - 20 (20% off) = 80
67.80 + 12.20 (18%) = 80
20% off
Facial Tissue Box 3 Ply 100 Pulls
250 - 50 (20% off) = 200
169.49 + 30.51 (18%) = 200
20% off
Toilet Roll 3 Ply - 140 Pulls x 9 Roll
625 - 125 (20% off) = 500
423.73 + 76.27 (18%) = 500
20% off
Toilet Roll 2 Ply - 150 Pulls x 12 Roll
850 - 170 (20% off) = 680
576.27 + 103.73 (18%) = 680
20% off
Toilet Roll ‐ 230 Pulls
35 - 7 (20% off) = 28
23.73 + 4.27 (18%) = 28
20% off
M Fold Premium Napkin - 200 Sheet
360 - 72 (20% off) = 288
244.07 + 43.93 (18%) = 288
20% off
Toilet Roll JRT ‐ 150 Mtr
165 - 33 (20% off) = 132
111.86 + 20.14 (18%) = 132
20% off
Toilet Roll ‐ 100 Pulls
15 - 3 (20% off) = 12
10.17 + 1.83 (18%) = 12
10% off
Greenlime Auto Cut Roll 8" x 170mtr
450 - 45 (10% off) = 405
343.22 + 61.78 (18%) = 405
20% off
Pepar Towel Dispenser - junior
1000 - 200 (20% off) = 800
677.97 + 122.03 (18%) = 800
10% off
SS Paper Towel Dispenser
80 - 8 (10% off) = 72
61.02 + 10.98 (18%) = 72
20% off
Paper Napkeen ‐ 100 Pcs
40 - 8 (20% off) = 32
27.12 + 4.88 (18%) = 32
20% off
M Fold Paper Napkin 150Sheet
75 - 15 (20% off) = 60
50.85 + 9.15 (18%) = 60
10% off
Facial Tissue Box 100 Pull
80 - 8 (10% off) = 72
61.02 + 10.98 (18%) = 72
20% off
Toilet Roll ‐ 350 Pulls
42 - 8.40 (20% off) = 33.60
28.47 + 5.13 (18%) = 33.60
20% off
Facial Tissue Inner ‐ 100 Pull
40 - 8 (20% off) = 32
27.12 + 4.88 (18%) = 32
Toilet Cleaner Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
25% off
Crew TBC - 500 ml
106 - 27 (25% off) = 79
66.95 + 12.05 (18%) = 79
10% off
Harpic Toilet Cleaner - 5 Ltr
999 - 100 (10% off) = 899
761.86 + 137.14 (18%) = 899
20% off
Toilet Cleaner - 500 ml
75 - 15 (20% off) = 60
50.85 + 9.15 (18%) = 60
10% off
Sanito Clean -5Ltr
685 - 69 (10% off) = 616
522.03 + 93.97 (18%) = 616
5% off
Harpic Toilet Cleaner - 1 Ltr
235 - 12 (5% off) = 223
188.98 + 34.02 (18%) = 223
25% off
Crew TBC - 5 Ltr
1026 - 256 (25% off) = 770
652.54 + 117.46 (18%) = 770
15% off
S6 Super Lime Away Plus - 5 Ltr
683 - 102 (15% off) = 581
492.37 + 88.63 (18%) = 581
20% off
Toilet Cleaner - 5 Ltr
350 - 70 (20% off) = 280
237.29 + 42.71 (18%) = 280
20% off
Toilet Brush ‐ Doubble Hockey
80 - 16 (20% off) = 64
54.24 + 9.76 (18%) = 64
20% off
Hycid ‐ 4.5 Ltr
110 - 22 (20% off) = 88
74.58 + 13.42 (18%) = 88
20% off
Olklin Hycid - 35 Ltr/40Kg
750 - 150 (20% off) = 600
508.47 + 91.53 (18%) = 600
25% off
EzyKlin K6 ‐ TBC ‐ 5 Ltr
900 - 225 (25% off) = 675
572.03 + 102.97 (18%) = 675
20% off
Toilet Brush Hockey / Round
60 - 12 (20% off) = 48
40.68 + 7.32 (18%) = 48
10% off
TASKI R6 ‐ 5 Ltr
1089 - 109 (10% off) = 980
830.51 + 149.49 (18%) = 980
5% off
Harpic Toilet Cleaner ‐ 500ml
115 - 6 (5% off) = 109
92.37 + 16.63 (18%) = 109
10% off
TASKI R6 ‐ TBC ‐ 500ml
110 - 11 (10% off) = 99
83.90 + 15.10 (18%) = 99
Utility Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
20% off
Petrol Pipe Regular
60 - 12 (20% off) = 48
40.68 + 7.32 (18%) = 48
20% off
Empty Hand Sanitizer Bottle 500ml
70 - 14 (20% off) = 56
47.46 + 8.54 (18%) = 56
20% off
Bottle Brush - Premium
40 - 8 (20% off) = 32
27.12 + 4.88 (18%) = 32
20% off
Supdi/Plastic Dustpan Big
75 - 15 (20% off) = 60
50.85 + 9.15 (18%) = 60
30% off
Hair Cap Disposable 100 Pcs
125 - 37.50 (30% off) = 87.50
83.33 + 4.17 (5%) = 87.50
30% off
Disposable Face Mask - 50 Pcs
150 - 45 (30% off) = 105
100 + 5 (5%) = 105
20% off
Trigger Pump
30 - 6 (20% off) = 24
20.34 + 3.66 (18%) = 24
20% off
Supdi/Patra Dustpan
75 - 15 (20% off) = 60
50.85 + 9.15 (18) = 60
20% off
Chock Remover-Medium
100 - 20 (20% off) = 80
67.80 + 12.20 (18%) = 80
25% off
Examination Gloves - 100 Nos
400 - 100 (25% off) = 300
267.86 + 32.14 (12%) = 300
20% off
Putti Knives
20 - 4 (20% off) = 16
13.56 + 2.44 (18%) = 16
20% off
Mini Scrapper
50 - 10 (20% off) = 40
33.90 + 6.10 (18%) = 40
20% off
Supdi/Plastic Dustpan
40 - 8 (20% off) = 32
27.12 + 4.88 (18%) = 32
20% off
Prima Hand Gloves
50 - 10 (20% off) = 40
33.90 + 6.10 (18%) = 40
20% off
Floor / Glass Scrapper with Handle 6"
100 - 20 (20% off) = 80
67.80 + 12.20 (18%) = 80
20% off
Empty Spray Pump Bottle 500ml
40 - 8 (20% off) = 32
27.12 + 4.88 (18%) = 32
Wet Mop Dry Mop Kapila Traders, Nizampura, Vadodara. (M) 9054944449
20% off
5 Feet Long MS Pipe
110 - 22 (20% off) = 88
74.58 + 13.42 (18%) = 88
20% off
S S Sponge Mop - Refill Only
250 - 50 (20% off) = 200
169.49 + 30.51 (18%) = 200
20% off
S S Sponge Mop Set
725 - 145 (20% off) = 580
491.53 + 88.47 (18%) = 580
20% off
5 Feet Aluminium Pipe
220 - 44 (20% off) = 176
149.15 + 26.85 (18%) = 176
20% off
Microfiber Wet n Dry Mop Set
1000 - 200 (20% off) = 800
677.97 + 122.03 (18%) = 800
20% off
Microfiber Dry Mop Refill
450 - 90 (20% off) = 360
305.08 + 54.92 (18%) = 360
20% off
5 Feet SS Pipe for Mop
220 - 44 (20% off) = 176
149.15 + 26.85 (18%) = 176
20% off
HD Plastic Clamp for Wet Mop
60 - 12 (20% off) = 48
40.68 + 7.32 (18%) = 48
20% off
Dry Mop Set 24" Premium
500 - 100 (20% off) = 400
338.98 + 61.02 (18%) = 400
20% off
Dry Mop Frame 24"
200 - 40 (20% off) = 160
135.59 + 24.41 (18%) = 160
20% off
Eze Clean Mop Refill ‐ 75cm
550 - 110 (20% off) = 440
372.88 + 67.12 (18%) = 440
20% off
Clip N Fit Refill 300grm Premium
110 - 22 (20% off) = 88
74.58 + 13.42 (18%) = 88
20% off
Dry Mop Refill 24" Premium
200 - 40 (20% off) = 160
135.59 + 24.41 (18%) = 160
20% off
Eze Clean Mop Set ‐ 75cm
2000 - 400 (20% off) = 1600
1355.93 + 244.07 (18%) = 1600
20% off
Clip N Fit Refill Color
125 - 25 (20% off) = 100
84.75 + 15.25 (18%) = 100
20% off
Eze Clean Mop Set ‐ 50cm
1700 - 340 (20% off) = 1360
1152.54 + 207.46 (18%) = 1360
20% off
Acrylic Dry Mop Set 24" Premium
550 - 110 (20% off) = 440
372.88 + 67.12 (18%) = 440
20% off
Eze Clean Mop Refill ‐ 50cm
450 - 90 (20% off) = 360
305.08 + 54.92 (18%) = 360
20% off
Acrylic Dry Mop Refill 24" Premium
250 - 50 (20% off) = 200
169.49 + 30.51 (18%) = 200
20% off
Clip N Fit Mop Set Premium
275 - 55 (20% off) = 220
186.44 + 33.56 (18%) = 220